Brashley Vineyard
Address 7000 Highway 128
City Philo
State California
Zip 95466
Phone 7075107360
Days and Hours of Operation: We are open weekly through November and into December Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11-4. Check our website for a more up to date schedule.
Business Contact Name Brashley Vineyards LLC
AVA(s) Anderson Valley, Mendocino County
Red Pinot Noir
White Rose of Pinot Noir
Outdoor Tastings Yes
Curbside Pickup Yes
Website go to website
- Dog-friendly
- Picnics OK
- Outdoor Tastings - Yes
Brashley Vineyards is a family-owned and operated winery with vineyards in Anderson Valley. Brashley's Bevel Vineyard consists of ten acres of Pinot Noir grapes. We create wine to be shared with the people you love, in the moments that matter.