Greenwood Ridge Winery
Address 5501 Hwy 128
City Philo
State CA
Zip 95466
Phone (707) 895-2002
Days and Hours of Operation: Daily 10am-5pm
Business Contact Name Stacie Lynch
AVA(s) Mendocino County
Red Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel
White Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, White Riesling
Outdoor Tastings Yes
Curbside Pickup Yes
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Greenwood Ridge is a small, family owned winery located in beautiful Philo, CA in the heart of Mendocino County Wine Country. Named one of America’s top 30 wineries three times in recent years by Wine & Spirits Magazine, Greenwood Ridge has continued to receive positive accolades at major competitions.