Nelson Family Vineyards
Address 550 Nelson Ranch Rd
City Ukiah
State Ca
Zip 95482
Phone (707) 462-3755
Days and Hours of Operation: 10AM - 5PM daily
Business Contact Name Greg Nelson
AVA(s) Mendocino County, Ukiah Valley
Red Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, Petite Sirah, Pinot Noir, Red Blend, Zinfandel
White Chardonnay, Muscat Orange, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Rose of Pinot Noir, Viognier
Sparkling Blanc des Noirs
Outdoor Tastings Yes
Curbside Pickup Yes
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For over 60 years the Nelson family has been farming vineyards and attracting people every year to the beautiful region of Hopland. It is truly a family affair as each generation has put in their time and energy, infusing this ranch with their own flair.