
‘OLAVIN’ stems from two words: OLA from the Spanish ‘Hola’, meaning ‘Hello’ and VIN meaning ‘wine’ in French. Together, OLAVIN means ‘Hello Wine’. The tank is where wine magic takes place. ‘Olavin’ is a tender greeting to the wine, a newborn baby of the vintage.

Why a cat in the OLAVIN logo? Because cats are smart, independent, and alert to any subtle change, just like winemakers. Winemakers always stick to themselves and explore the unknown world with patience and courage.

At OLAVIN, we only do one thing: WE HELP YOU MAKE BETTER WINE! Improvement is endless, every detail in the entire tank making process aims for perfection knowing that small details will greatly affect the outcome.

Is the jacket well positioned so that you can control the temperature accurately? How and at what height are racking valves mounted to the tanks, is it convenient for cellar hand to use? Is the tank manufactured in such a way that complete drainage can be achieved? We want the interior of the tank to be as smooth as possible to reduce the buildup of deposits and free you from laborious cleaning…

Every winery has some special requirements. OLAVIN never deem them to be ‘fussy’ or ‘picky’. On the contrary, here at OLAVIN, we are open to their thoughts because the feedback will drive continuous improvement on every single OLAVIN tank.

We understand that it is a winemaker’s ultimate dream to produce the world’s finest wine. When you’re striving to make your mark within the wine industry, OLAVIN will be there to help.

Olavin is aiming to become a top brand of tanks for boutique wineries. We are providing built to last tanks, with finer details on our tanks. Local designing and service, global sourcing from the US, Japan…, detailing manufactured in mainland China to get the best value of perfection.

Making good wine is a skill. Making fine wine is an art. Artists, do not make your fine wines without OLAVIN.

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