Zac Robinson Awarded Winegrower of the Year Award

The Zeni Award is a perpetual trophy given to the winegrower of the year representing outstanding stewardship of the land, community service, and producing the highest quality wine grape in Mendocino County.

Zac Robinson of Husch Vineyards was awarded the Zeni Winegrower of the Year Award at the MWI 2019 Harvest Party. Glenn McGourty, UCCE Farm Advisor for Mendocino County, presented Zac with this prestigious award.

“For us, we honor Zac for pulling together the Mendocino Winegrowers, Inc. after the failure of the Mendocino County Wine Grape and Wine Commission.  It was discouraging times for some of us, but Zac realized the need to move on but still have some promotional organization for Mendocino wine grapes and wine. So he got together a group of board members who sucked it up and started a new organization. He worked through all the not fun stuff like legal incorporation, by laws and other things that lawyers do, and if it weren’t for Zac in particular, we would not be sitting here tonight celebrating another harvest. Zac, this is your moment. There will be many more I am sure, but ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the recipient of the George Zeni Award for 2019!”

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