Associate Membership

Mendocino Winegrowers Inc. (MWI) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 devoted to promoting the grapes, wines, and wine-growing community of Mendocino County. MWI is the only county-wide organization to represent our growers and vintners and is committed to providing a positive impact on the wine industry here in Mendocino County.

Your support can help us make this happen. Whether as an ongoing member or new, your membership bolsters MWI’s efforts promoting and supporting the wine industry here in Mendocino County. A membership in MWI ensures that we can continue our efforts on your behalf. Use the form below to join online, or download a printable form.

Associate Membership Benefits

  • Advertising opportunities in our E-News digital newsletter which regularly goes to a
    broad audience of growers and vintners.
  • Recognition on homepage with a color ad and a business listing in the
    our “Partners” section.
  • Unique marketing opportunities such as sponsoring one of our many educational programs.
  • Invitations to participate in our industry events such as our Mendocino Winegrowers EXPO 2025, Grower Roundtables, the Harvest Party and more, providing invaluable networking opportunities.
  • We welcome newsletter or website blog content–new product offerings, promotions,
    and pertinent industry updates.

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